Home Foot to hang the cage RSL RSL SPJ001 €25.00 Foot to hang the cage Elegant and resistant foot where you can put your bird's cage without problems of space or that it may fall, since this foot is arranged in such a way that it has great stability. This foot for parrot cages is crescent-shaped and is available in white. The measurements of this support are the following approximately: height of 160 cm... Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Birdseed sem001 €1.00 It is a seed with a high carbohydrate content and low fat content, so it is advisable to supply them with other seeds having a higher fat content. Suitable for all types of grain-eating birds Active ingredients: starch, lipids, resins, salicylic and oxalic acids, and nitrogenous substances. 1 Euro= 500 gr 3 Euros= 1,5 Kg Add to cart
Psittaciformes Alta Energía Psittacus Psittacus PI.1210 €14.20 Indicated to be supplied to individuals of species that in the wild consume a significant amount of fruits or seeds of oleaginous plants (macaws, gray parrots ...) especially during the stages of reproductive inactivity. It is a maintenance feed homologous to that of the Pets Range, with a composition that allows to easily cover the nutritional needs of... Add to cart
Home Hand Feeding pigeons Columbae Columbae pa001colm €18.84 Indicated for the manual rearing of squabs of granivorous columbiformes species. It is a continuation porridge that should gradually replace crop milk (Pigeon Crop Milk), supplied during the first days of life, and its use is recommended until the emancipation of the pigeons. Format : 1kg Add to cart
Home Medium Frugivore maintenance Wildiets Wildiets WD-9020 €44.41 This product is especially indicated for species of frugívorous aves sensitive to yesterday such as tucanes, turacos, minás, aracaris and palomas frugívoras. This product is formulated to be offered together with sweet fruit, so that WILDIETS® Medium Frugivorous Maintenance will deberia approximately 70% of the ración. This combination is the one that... Add to cart
On sale! canaries White Dry Premium (Eggfood without doré New Formula) Serinus Serinus SE.5010 €27.80 White Dry Premium Serinus White Dry Premium new formula is a complementary food for birds of the finch family without browning. High quality and high in protein. It has been designed to be supplied to the breeders during the fattening stage of the chicks and to stimulate their stuffing. Ideal for canaries with browning problems, it contains MSM (organic... Add to cart
Home TH Exotic Raggio di sole Raggio di Sole 807801 €19.60 TH Exotic (Raggio di Sole) Special professional pasta for short-billed exotics; rich in quality proteins, complemented by insects, molluscs and crustaceans. Ideal in the stages of breeding, maintenance and moulting. Each pail of pasta contains a premix composed of vitamins, mineral salts and essential amino acids that are joined together with the pasta to... Add to cart
Home General recovery Psittacus Psittacus PA-3901 €11.55 Nutritional support formula for birds that are sick, injured or have undergone surgery. Provides a supplemental source of easily assimilated nutrients. It should be prepared with an approximate concentration of 25% solids. Once the package is opened, it should be stored in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place. It is not recommended to keep the... Add to cart
Home Puree for Frugivorous pigeons Wildiets Wildiets WD-4020 €27.56 Indicated for the manual rearing of frugivorous columbiformes species. It is a continuation porridge that should gradually replace crop milk, supplied during the first days of life, and its use is recommended until the emancipation of the pigeons. It should be prepared with hot water (35-38ºC) in sufficient quantity to achieve a creamy texture... Add to cart
Home Vitamin A powder comed Comed 82386 €6.15 Specifically made for use in birds. Especially indicated to add recessive white lipochrome to canaries and / or lutine birds. Vitamin A helps the formation and maintenance of healthy soft and bone tissues, mucous membranes and skin. It is involved in reproduction and in the regulation of the immune system. It is directly involved in bird vision and... Add to cart
Home Mudabird Fortebird Fortebird FB110050 €11.50 Mudabird is a supplement of vitamins and amino acids that are essential for our birds. It is specifically formulated to facilitate the change of plumage process, considerably improving its quality. It does not cause golden changes in colour. Directions for use: administer 0.5 to 1 g of Mudabird for every litre of water or 2 g for 1 kg of food over 3 days... Add to cart
Home Aminobird Fortebird Fortebird FB030030 €9.00 Aminobird is a supplement of vitamins and amino acids that are essential for our birds. Their use is especially indicated during treatment, the breeding period and while moulting to facilitate the change of plumage process, considerably improving its quality. Its use is also strongly recommended during periods of convalescence and disease in our birds. It... Add to cart
Home Grit White Fortebird Fortebird 460004 €6.95 Grit White 4kg Fortebird Food supplement that provides calcium, phosphorus and other minerals and improves the digestion of the bird is made up of crushed oyster shells, which give an extra supply of calcium to the birds. Characteristics: During the breeding season, it provides a significant amount of calcium and therefore strengthens the bone structure... Add to cart
Home Probird Fortebird Fortebird FB100075 €12.50 Probird is a probiotic for the stabilization of the birds´ intestinal flora. They improve our birds´ performance parameters, since Enterococcus faecium are beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract that reduce diarrhea and strengthen bird immunity. Being part of the natural intestinal flora, it is harmless to both humans, animals and the... Add to cart
Home Ad3ebird Fortebird Fortebird FB060030 €9.00 Ad3ebird is an easily-administered, liquid, vitamin supplement, which provides vitamins A, D3 and E, indispensable during the reproductive period in birds. Vitamin E is essential for healthy gonads, to increase sexual instinct, the correct formation of spermatozoids and to prevent muscular dystrophy. In addition, there is also the action of vitamin A on... Add to cart
Home Fertibird Fortebird Fortebird FB290050 €12.50 Fertibird is an easily-administered, soluble powder vitamin supplement, which provides vitamins A, D3 and E, indispensable during the reproductive period in birds. Vitamin E is essential for increase sexual instinct, the correct formation of spermatozoids. Vitamin D3 is indispensable for the formation of the egg’s shell and embryos. Folic acid improves... Add to cart
Home Redbird Fortebird Fortebird FB230050 €29.50 Redbird is a complementary food indicated to be fed to red factor birds, such as canaries, cardinals, goldfinches, etc. Instructions: Administer 10 gr of redbird per kg of paste or feed for perfect pigmentation. Add to cart
Home Yellowbird Fortebird Fortebird FB240050 €10.50 Yellowbird is a complementary food indicated to be fed to yellow factor birds. Instructions: Administer 10 gr of yellowbird per kg of paste or feed for perfect pigmentation. Its use is essential during the molting season, so that the new feathers acquire the desired yellow colour. Add to cart
Home Maske Easyyem Easyyem EAS0022250 €21.00 Complementary food for ornamental birds. MASKE is a vegetable red dye and contains natural extracts. This product does not directly color the feathers, but intensifies the existing red color. Thanks to the natural carotenoids available, MASKE plays an important role in the appearance of bright red. It is suitable for all birds (goldfinches, red... Add to cart
Home Blackbird Fortebird Fortebird FB260150 €14.50 Blackbird is a supplement containing essential vitamins and amino acids particularly indicated to promote oxidation and increase e eumelanin during the process of creation and changing of feathers. It considerably improves the eumelanin quality of the specimens. Instructions: Administer 10 g of Blackbird for each Kilogram of feed or brood paste.... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Home Allium Comed Comed 82383 €8.45 Allium is great garlic oil to supply in winter and/or the breeding season once a week, and during the molt two days a week. Administration: 15ml per kg of food. Keep in a cold and dry place formats: 250ml and 1l View
Home Diatomaceous earth (antiparasitic and ecological fertilizer) 909028 €5.70 Diatomaceous earth is a mineral of animal origin by accumulation of microscopic algae on the seabed fossilized millions of years ago. Against insect pests it acts by physical-mechanical action and not by ingestion like chemical insecticides, which end up contaminating soils, plants and animals. Formato: 300 gr - 1 Kg Add to cart
Home Pronafit pro1485 €15.95 100% natural, herbal and medicinal oils. Eliminate lice, flies, mosquitoes, mites, moths, popcorn from seeds. Cleans and disinfects the airways and bronchi. HOW TO USE: - Put a pill on a tile or similar, to avoid leaving marks on the road floor. - Turn on the tablet and keep until it burns alone. Once it starts to burn, steam (smoke) is generated that... Add to cart
Home Bathbird Fortebird Fortebird FB120250 €5.95 Bathbird are bath salts with top-quality, marine trace elements. It contains macro- and micronutrients that fully meet its quality of use, leaving feathers silky, clean and parasite-free. The use of bath salts reduces stress and pecking in our birds. Directions for use: administer 2 g of Bathbird for every litre of bath water continuously, especially... Add to cart