Home Sprouting Helper 250 ml Serinus Serinus CO.7000 €28.75 It is indicated to incorporate it into the water used in the rinsing and hydration of the seeds to germinate. It is also indicated to prolong the potability time of the water in the drinking troughs. DOSAGE For sprouts: Use a 1-2 ml solution of Sprouting Helper per liter of water. For drinking water: from 0.25 to 0.5 ml / liter. .HOW TO USE It is... Add to cart
Home VEGETABLE GEL SERINUS Serinus SE-7004 €23.55 VEGETABLE GEL SERINUS It is a powdered complementary food that makes it possible to form a solid gel designed to complement the birds' diet, simultaneously providing them with nutrients and water in solid form. Furthermore, its versatility allows it to be used as an environmental enrichment tool. The combination of vegetables it contains (kale, chard and... Add to cart
Vitamins & Supplements Water soluble calcium - SERINUS - PSITTACUS Serinus WD-7161 €11.20 Soluble Calcium Supplement: The soluble calcium supplement is a complementary food for all types of birds. Reference species: Psittacine birds, pigeons, finches, canaries, goldfinches, cardinals ....... Add to cart
Canaries White bird food breeds Serinus Serinus SE.2500 €42.30 Serinus Formula Blanca Cría is indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate the moult and to wax the singing males. The birds obtain all the necessary nutrients to enjoy optimum health, excellent vigor and an unbeatable quality of plumage. The breeding formula is the one indicated to constitute the basis of the diet during the breeding season, from... Add to cart
On sale! canaries White Dry Premium (Eggfood without doré New Formula) Serinus Serinus SE.5010 €27.80 White Dry Premium Serinus White Dry Premium new formula is a complementary food for birds of the finch family without browning. High quality and high in protein. It has been designed to be supplied to the breeders during the fattening stage of the chicks and to stimulate their stuffing. Ideal for canaries with browning problems, it contains MSM (organic... Add to cart
canaries White Soft ( New Formula) Serinus Serinus SE.3200 €24.00 White Soft Serinus Morbida sin Dore brood paste is specially prepared for canaries. It is an ideal paste for the breeding, breeding and moulting period. This product is suitable for all types of granivorous birds. Optionally they can also be used as a complement to improve the diets based on mixtures of seeds. The white Soft formula is strictly “no... Add to cart
canaries White Soft Premium ( New Formula) Serinus Serinus SE.3100 €27.80 White Soft Premium Serinus Morbida sin Dore brood paste of maximum quality specially developed for canaries. It is an ideal paste for the breeding, breeding and moulting period. This product is suitable for all types of granivorous birds. Optionally they can also be used as a complement to improve the diets based on mixtures of seeds. The white Soft... Add to cart
serinus Wild bird food moulting serinus Serinus SE-3700 €42.30 Food indicated for wild birds of the finch family. Serinus formulas are complete foods. The birds obtain in them all the necessary nutrients to enjoy optimal health, excellent vigor and an unbeatable quality of plumage. The moulting formula is the one indicated to constitute the basis of the diet during the moulting period. It makes it easier and faster.... Add to cart
Home Wild Birds Soft Premium ( eggfood breeding) Serinus Serinus SE.5310 €27.80 Wild Birds Soft Premium Serinus Morbida breeding pasta of the highest quality made especially for wild birds such as goldfinches, greenfinches or cardinals among others. It is an ideal paste for the time of preparation for breeding, breeding and molting. This product is indicated for all types of wild birds. Optionally, it can also be used as a complement... Add to cart
Wild Wildlife breeding Serinus Serinus SE.2100 €42.25 It is indicated for wild birds of the family of the finches (finches, greenbirds, greenfinches, linnets, finches ...). The breeding formula is the one indicated to constitute the basis of the diet during the breeding season, from one month before its start until the molt is complete. It will be supplied to facilitate the moult and to wax the singing... Add to cart
Canaries Yellow breeds Maintenance Serinus Serinus SE.2704 €5.65 The maintenance formula is the one indicated for ornamental and singing animals, and to be supplied during the period of reproductive rest in broodstock. Complete food for canaries of yellow breeds that should not show red or orange colors in their plumage. The yellow formula is a food designed for the yellow races that, due to the standards of... Add to cart