drinkers Waterer Altair C004 100cc Blue Sta 1001104 €0.35 Waterer Altair Capacity: 100 cc. Units per Box: 60 units. Add to cart
Product available with different options minerals Multivitamin Total (disfa) 10000055 €3.00 Natural vitamin supplement, enriched with minerals and vitamins necessary for the health of birds in captivity. It acts as a powerful regulator of the digestive system, increasing its defenses. Features: Complete with anemias and other deficiency diseases, which are currently suffering the most birds in captivity and that the breeder detected. · The... View
canaries Brei Canaries Serinus SE.1204 €21.75 Brei Canaries Serinus Complete food for the breeding of canaries that ensures excellent growth. Indicated as a single diet: Serinus contains the nutrients necessary for good health and an optimal state of plumage. Add to cart
Product available with different options canaries Raggio di sole TH lipo soft 807947 €17.65 Professional wet white paste without doré, extra quality for all types of birds especially for white canaries, mosaics and light colors generally avoids the undesirable color formation in the feathers, no colors, with flaxseed, elm, goatee and white millet, carry unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega-6 essential for proper functioning of the body... View
canaries Easyyem dry white mash EAS00021 €39.75 Of high quality pulp for white or affected by canaries dore, enriched with vitamin A. Analysis: protein 22%, fat content of 8%, crude ash 3.8% calcium 0.10%, phosphorus 0.04% magnesium 0.13%. Composition: flour, egg and egg products (dried albumen only 5%) and seeds. Add to cart
canaries Raggio di sole Amarela 800247 €17.00 Morbid Yellow Pasta (Raggio di Solé) Wet paste Yellow for all types of birds, without dyes, based on bakery products, extracts of vegetable proteins, oils and fats, natural sugars, products of vegetable origin, milk and dairy products, egg products. Highly balanced, energetic and nutritious. Ideal in the breeding, maintenance and moulting stages.... Add to cart
rings Canaries plastic rings (ᴓ 3 mm). spaa013 €3.40 Plastic rings, especially for sexage or differentiate clutches. Bird 3 mm caliber ᴓ (Canarios). Pack 100 units in assorted colors and utensil placement. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock wild Easyyem Woodland birds EAS00031 €53.00 Easyyem egg-based food for wild birds is especially suitable for all types of wild birds as a consumer product throughout the year. The content of nutrients has been made in a way that is accurate for the needs of wild birds and has been enriched with dried insects. ANALYSIS: Proteins 30.0%, Fat content 8.0%, Crude ash 3.8%, Calcium 0.10%, Phosphorus... View
Home Temviu Plus Ornizin TBIOZ002 €18.45 Temviu Plus Ornizin Temviu Plus Ornizin contains extracts of natural plants, which help in the control of coccidia, bacteria and fungi, likewise regulates intestinal transit and strengthens the bird's immune system. Add to cart