canaries HB Papablanca Raggio di sole 807025 €14.90 Pasta húmeda Papablanca Raggio di sole Especial para todo tipo pájaros sin colorantes contiene miel, ideal para la cría, el destete y la muda de canarios lipocromos mosaicos. No da doré Presentacion: Bolsa 4 kg. Add to cart
Home Fertibird Fortebird FB290050 €12.50 Fertibird is an easily-administered, soluble powder vitamin supplement, which provides vitamins A, D3 and E, indispensable during the reproductive period in birds. Vitamin E is essential for increase sexual instinct, the correct formation of spermatozoids. Vitamin D3 is indispensable for the formation of the egg’s shell and embryos. Folic acid improves... Add to cart
Manitoba Alpiste Canada Extra Manitoba 1403081013 €11.50 Birdseed Canada (Manitoba) It is a quality certified seed with Canada, with a high content of carbohydrates and little fat, so it is advisable to supply them with other seeds having a higher fat content. Suitable for all types of grain-eating birds Active ingredients: starch, lipids, resins, salicylic and oxalic acids, and nitrogenous substances.... Add to cart
Feeding NovoPleco Jbl apec009 €6.80 JBL NovoPleco Plecos herbivores need food containing 10% wood for easy digestion exact amount provided by these tablets. As this new type of food does not dissolve in water, not water ontamina and provide the most demanding fish the opportunity to feed later. In addition to spirulina and vegetable matter, these pills, which sink in water, also contain... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Nests Esparto nest gluing 1120004 €1.10 Nest of straw, ideal for breeding canaries, bright colors, wild birds or similar size. Adaptable to any model support nest. Dimensions 10 cm. ᴓ View
Seeds repackaged Sunflower seed sem018 €1.00 Seeds rich in fats with a high content of iron, calcium, vitamin E and vitamin B2. Should be given mainly at the time of encelamiento birds (due to its high content of vitamin E) and fattening chicks accompanying pasta breeding, preferably germinated, as this seed can provide enough protein to help the growth of the chicks. 1 Euro = 900gr 3 Euros = 2.7... Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Black rapeseed sem012 €1.00 Seed rich in fats. Da beauty feathers and tone the throat. Indicated for species singing. 1 Euro= 550 gr 3 Euros= 1,7 Kg Add to cart
Nests Mixed Yuta cotton Attiva Sisal Fibre MAJ3301 €2.05 Mixed Yuta cotton enhanced with a 100% natural active formula. Designed to combat the annoying and insidious RED Mite pests in brood. They are totally natural fibers, carefully selected and hygienic, which make them spongy, breathable and absorbent. Sisal Fiber is dust-free and parasite-free, ideal for building nests for all kinds of birds. Add to cart