Canaries Food reproduction Serinus SE.2300 €39.60 Indicated for canaries. Serinus formulas are whole foods. The birds obtain all the necessary nutrients to enjoy optimal health, excellent vigor and an unbeatable quality of plumage. The rearing formula is indicated to form the basis of the diet during the rearing season. Formats: 1 Kg, 5 Kg. Add to cart
canaries Raggio di sole Amarela 800247 €17.00 Morbid Yellow Pasta (Raggio di Solé) Wet paste Yellow for all types of birds, without dyes, based on bakery products, extracts of vegetable proteins, oils and fats, natural sugars, products of vegetable origin, milk and dairy products, egg products. Highly balanced, energetic and nutritious. Ideal in the breeding, maintenance and moulting stages.... Add to cart
Psittaciformes Minor Psittacus PI.4010 €8.50 Formula indicated for small and medium size species such as lovebirds, kakarikis, small and medium parrots ... The maintenance feeds are those indicated to be supplied to the pets and to the reproducers in the stages of reproductive inactivity. Its composition allows them to comfortably cover the nutritional needs of these periods. The daily consumption... Add to cart
Other Tropical Freshwater Fish Linseed sem007 €1.00 It is an indispensable seed plumage brightness in small doses helps digestion. Properties: Water 7.1% Ca (calcium) 0.23% P (phosphorus) 0.66% 24.2% proteins, carbohydrates 20.0%, 6.3% fiber, Fat 37, 0% 1 Euro= 400 gr 3 Euros= 1.2 Kg Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Hemp sem003 €1.00 Oilseed high nutritional value. It is exciting, gives warmth and is not easily digested, useful in the moulting. It has been revealed as an excellent food for all parrots, its high nutritional value. Their levels of fat advise a supply of this seed in moderation. They are very necessary during the winter, especially for those pets that spend the winter in... Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Red rapeseed sem013 €1.00 It contributes significantly to improve the plumage way, making our birds present a more beautiful, colorful and well maintained coverage feathers. It also improves the birdsong. Composition: 12% water, 3.7% protein, 80% fat and carbohydrate and the remaining minerals. 1 Euro= 400gr 3 Euros= 1,2 Kg Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Radish sem023 €1.00 Rich in vitamin C which is an essential antioxidant responsible for removing the waste that accumulates the body, can be used also as a stimulant to give the bird zeal, helps iron absorption and wound healing. 1 Euro = 500gr 3 Euros = 1500 gr Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Birdseed sem001 €1.00 It is a seed with a high carbohydrate content and low fat content, so it is advisable to supply them with other seeds having a higher fat content. Suitable for all types of grain-eating birds Active ingredients: starch, lipids, resins, salicylic and oxalic acids, and nitrogenous substances. 1 Euro= 500 gr 3 Euros= 1,5 Kg Add to cart
canaries Hand Feeding Raggio di sole Granimbecco 800007 €6.80 Papilla Embuche Granimbecco (Raggio di Solé) Complete papilla for the breeding of granivorous birds canary, goldfinch, cardinalitos, papagallos, cockatoos, amazons, inseparable, calopsitas, Loris and Passeriformes domestic and indigenous. It contains probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, organic acids and essential oils. Composition: Crude Protein... Add to cart